Wednesday, January 16, 2013


After settling down after the holidays, I realized that I forgot to actually publish on here that I passed the EPPP! So while my EPPP journey is at an end, my path to licensure, my first job, and other firsts are still on the way.

Last week I received my first job offer with the VA, which I was happy to accept. I'm currently going through the credentialing process, which I will discuss more on a later post for those individuals interested in getting a job (or continuing) with the VA system.

In other news, I was originally planning to pursue licensure in a "new law" state that counts pre-doctoral practicum hours, however, the rules were incredibly strict, and none of my practicum hours counted towards licensure. As a result, I have decided to pursue licensure in an easier state (i.e. nothing beyond the EPPP) like Kansas or Hawaii. But more on that later. Expect some new posts soon!

Keep studying!