Friday, September 7, 2012

Weekly Inspiration and Motivation

I gotta admit, after studying for roughly 2 months, it's tough to stay motivated, especially when you are working a full-time job already. Back in college during finals time, I made it a tradition to play motivating and inspirational movies in the background while completing those never-ending term papers. They somehow kept me feeling optimistic and fostered that fighting spirit needed to push through a lengthy and grueling task. Each week or so, I hope to share some motivation with you.

This week I share one of my all-time favorite movie series, Rocky. If you haven't gotten a chance to see any of the Rocky movies (all are good except Rocky V), they can be very motivating. The general synopsis of each film is as follows: Rocky is struggling with his will to beat his opponent, who seems to be unbeatable. Typically this struggle stems from his wife Adrian's concerns about him getting hurt fighting. After resolving Adrian's anxiety, there comes a moment in each film where Rocky finally commits 100% to training and beating his opponent with Adrian's support. It is these montages in each film that gets me pumped and motivated to beating my opponent, in this case, the EPPP. Here is a montage clip from my favorite Rocky, Rocky II. Happy Friday!

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